Thursday, September 28, 2017


Dee Marlowe No Expectations dear ... a By-Product of creating our own Sunshine!
Ron Alexander Expecting the JOYOUS is creating the JOYOUS in my understanding Dee, thank you!😍
Ron Alexander I was taught not to have good expectations as a kid -"you will be disappointed if good does not happen." However, I learned mainly from Ernest Holmes to have faith in the Eternal, and THE JOYOUS always happens, thanks Dee for affirming my faith.
Dee Marlowe: Ron Alexander
Always dearest, what each believes ... and has Divine Faith in ... brings JOY!
Blessings always dear one and much Love 

Dee Marlowe
49 mins
Some days you have to CREATE your own Sunshine ☀️ 
Do It ... bring yourself rays of JOY!

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