Tuesday, August 15, 2017

More from Rev. John Pavolitz

Dawn Partin Smith: Franklin Graham, Kenneth Copeland, Robert Jeffress, David Jeremiah, Jack Graham, James McDonald, Michelle Bachman, Robert Morris, and the list goes on...This Man has more insight into God's love and will for his children than ALL of you combined will EVER have!!!
Some weeks are better than others. For many of us, this week was—others.

The violence we watched unfold in Charlottesville and its aftermath, reminded us of many things. It was a reminder of how much hatred there still exists in the world, how deeply racism is embedded in our country, and how far we still have to go for all people to be treated equally.

But along with those sickening, disheartening truths, there were others. We saw a disparate group of people bravely opposing hatred alongside one another. We saw clergy from all faith traditions come together to stand against religious extremism. We saw political pressure and public outcry when the President avoided naming the White Supremacy and hate groups responsible for the terror in the Charlottesville. We saw the best of humanity refusing to let fear rule the day. We watched love being proven in real time.

Yes, these are difficult, exhausting days, but there are reasons to hope everywhere. Today, give yourself a space and time to pause and breathe; to dwell on the places you see hope.

Be encouraged,
Reverend John Pavlovitz has been preaching the gospel for two decades, but unlike his Trump-supporting counterparts, he actually practices what he preaches.In the below piece, posted to his website today, Pavlovitz shows the courage to say what many will not about the terrifying scene that unfolded today. Every white American needs to take urgent action to confront the scourge of racist hate.  What we’re watching unfold in Charlottesville, with hundreds of white people bearing torches and chanting about the value of white lives and shouting slurs, is not a “far Right” protest. When you move that far right, past humanity, past decency, past goodness—you’re something else.  You’re not a supremacist, you’re not a nationalist, and you’re not alt-Right.
This is racism.                           This is domestic terrorism.     This is religious extremism.          This is bigotry.         It is blind hatred of the most vile kind.It doesn’t represent America.      It doesn’t represent Jesus.  It doesn’t speak for the majority of white Americans.                 It’s a cancerous, terrible, putrid sickness that represents the absolute worst of who we are.

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