Sunday, August 13, 2017

He called our first black president a “p*ssy.”

Trump keeps feeding his supporters rubbish, and they in turn eagerly devour it and beg for more. It doesn’t matter what he says or does, the MAGA crowd will scream till they’re blue in the faces heralding his utter defeats as unparalleled victories. They’re stuck in a vicious cycle of delusion.
As Trump’s tiny hands beat the drums of war against North Korea, his supporters work themselves into a bloodthirsty lather. They’re pulling out all of their bigoted rhetoric, including resurrecting their old racist claims that President Obama was a “secret Muslim” and wasn’t born in the United States.
One Trump supporter took to Facebook to attack President Obama and praise Trump. He called our first black president a “p*ssy.” A U.S. Marine stepped in to set the record straight with an epic response:   

Those who have experienced war firsthand know just how terrible it is. Trump’s threats of nuclear holocaust in North Korea are indefensible and dangerous. He’s an incompetent leader and has all the military understanding of a small child playing with toy soldiers. Now, more than ever, it’s important for people with real experience to speak out, and push back against the madness.

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