Monday, July 10, 2017

21 Valuable lessons from NDE

Things Anita Moorjani learned from her Stage Four Cancer & Ensuing NDE:
1. You attract what you fear.
2. If you’re sick, don’t fight it. Embrace it. Love where you are now. Only when you approach your health challenges from a point of love can you overcome the fear.
3. Sometimes less information is better. When it comes to illness, more information does not necessarily equal more power (too much research can actually add to the fear and symptoms).
4. Through your illness, your body is giving you a message. Work to understand and be with what is.
5. Everything comes from within.
6. Ask yourself, “What brings me joy?” And do more of that.
7. Don’t obsess and make your life about the illness.
8. Love yourself unconditionally.
9. Positive thinking can only help to a certain extent. It’s more about being yourself and loving yourself – regardless of what you are going through.
10. Stop judging yourself.
11. Express yourself fully. Ask yourself: “Am I allowing myself to express who I am? Am I being this person because I want to be accepted, or because it is who I am?”
12. Be centered in your true essence. From the place of pure centeredness, miracles are possible. It’s about being, not doing. When you are in the space of being, miracles are possible.
13. The only thing that limits you is your own beliefs.
14. The best way to get our of a fear state is to do something that brings you into a state of joy. Find something that changes your state completely. Whatever it is – music or art or going out in nature. Do something completely different. Or meditate. If we can be still, we can go into a different reality.
15. Stay totally open. Get into a defused state in which all of the possibilities lie before you and you haven’t locked into any one.
16. Follow your bliss and do what you love. We tend to do what we think we should do, rather than what our heart tells us to do. We don’t do what makes our heart sing.
17. You are your own guru. All your answers are inside you.
18. Nobody is better than (or less than) you. We are all equal.
19. Focus on your feelings more than your thoughts. Make your everyday choices based on what makes you FEEL good, rather than what you THINK you should do or what others think you should do.
20. Don’t let a fear of failing or displeasing others run your life.
21. Realize your own MAGNIFICENCE!
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