Friday, June 9, 2017

Reiki Distant Healing tomorrow!

Codruta Cadis shared I Was Born To Shine's photo to the group: LIGHTWORKERS of THE WORLD .
~~POST CLOSED ~~Reiki was sent to all! Namaste ♥
Reiki Distant Healing tomorrow! Are you ready for the energy coming your way?
Please comment, like, share - this is free for everyone who wants to be added and can use a boost of positive vibes.
Definitely, thanks dear Paula! Sleeping much better now with less pain! I am determined to take WW2 PFC Finney to see Flapper Concert at Museum tomorrow and this will help! "Boogie Woogie Soldier Boy" Lacy and Gracy love him and he sings along with them. We have been to two of their concerts last year and they came to Palliative Care to sing Christmas Carols. They pushed him along to sing room to room.
1 hr
Paula Dyer Hope the concert goes well Ron, music's so healing. 
Ron Alexander Paula Dyer as is being with someone who loves it so much. Finney used to sing in Choral group and is said to have perfect pitch!
Paula Dyer Yes, the magic is contagious. Makes me smile just thinking about it.

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