Sunday, June 4, 2017


Affirmative Prayer

1. The intention that everything we want is out there, and in us, manifested according to our consciousness.
2. Does not focus on lack or disease, etc.

3. Prayer does not change God, it changes us.
4. God can do no more for us than God does THROUGH us.

What is affirmative prayer?

When most people think of prayer, 
they think of asking God for something.
Not so in Unity.
Unity uses “affirmative prayer.” Rather than begging 
or beseeching God, this method involves connecting 
with the spirit of God within and asserting positive 
beliefs about the desired outcome. Affirmative prayer 
is the same method of prayer Jesus taught when he said,
 “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe 
that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).
If, for example, one were to pray traditionally, one might say: “Please God,
help me find a job.” By contrast, an affirmative prayer might be: 
“I am now guided to my right and perfect employment.”
Affirmative prayer reflects the certainty that we are each being led to our highest 
good, despite any temporary appearances.
Metaphysicians believe that thoughts transmit magnetic energy and this energy 
attracts other energy of the same frequency. Whether you are conscious of it or 
not, your thoughts are transmitting energy that is attracting more of the same. 
When you remain focused on your intentions, you will draw those things into your life.
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of Prayer Works, states that affirmative prayer 
“sets into motion the forces that enable us to manifest what we pray for.”
She adds, “Prayer is ineffective when it is accompanied or followed by negative 
thinking, or the endless repeating of affirmations. We have to put power and 
intensity into our thought, change our thought, and believe in the guidance 
we are receiving. If we spend energy on negative beliefs and feelings, 
we will get negative results, even if we and others pray daily for us. For 
example, if you pray for a job and then complain to others that you have 
no job or can't find one, you are undermining your prayer.”
By using an affirmative prayer approach, we can visualize and plan for the future 
with faith that the power of God is continually blessing our lives with unlimited 
possibilities. Affirmative prayer leads to an awakening of our spiritual selves. 
In faith, we pray giving thanks in advance that the Universe is meeting our every need.


According to our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, “The 
secret of prayer and its power in the outward life depends 
upon an unconditioned faith in, and reliance upon this 
inner Presence.”

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