Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Making the unconscious conscious

We've started a new series on Sundays: "Deepening our Prayer and Meditation Consciousness". Last Sunday we talked about Vipassana Meditation. One point mentioned was that Vipassana is a great way to access the unconscious, and heal anything unhealthy that might be in the unconscious. 
I read an article by one of my favorite bloggers, Ellen Debenport. She enumerated several other ways to heal the unconscious. Here they are in list form. Google them for more info. Beside Vipassana, I use a few of these.
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Why we must admit our own racism and other isms.

  • Angels – try Doreen Virtue
  • Animal totems – read Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
  • Byron Katie – The Work
  • Dreams – or
  • Healing Touch
  • HeartMath
  • Ho’oponopono
  • Insight Timer has more than 4,000 meditations, including many directed at healing. It’s a free app to download.
  • Kundalini yoga
  • Positive psychology
  • Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Exercises by Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Quantum Touch – lots of info online and YouTube
  • Psych-K
  • Reiki – google it for tons of info
  • Sound healing, singing bowls
  • Tapping – Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution, EFT
  • Total Biology Decoding

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