Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Do you regret your path to now?

..there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.
Amaya Gayle: Gregory Each person walks the path that is perfect for them. Doesn't always look that way, but it is a truth bigger than can be spoken. I was raised in that conservative family and slowly, piece by piece found my way into Wildness. My family's conservatism was the contrast I needed to move into an all-embracing way of Life. There are no mistakes, just learning adventures that often feel less like adventure and more like punishment until we get the joke -- the big (by infinite grace) cosmic one.

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Chris Uswe Plastow That's me .
Yeah I'm poor financially but rich in experience .
The day will come when experience won't feed me and I'll just curl up and go ....

Like nature intended .
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Ron Alexander My friends and relatives who took the more straight path had a lot of courage, and I am not sure if they did not had more guts than my wilder, adventurous life.
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Chris Uswe Plastow For me it was necessity rather than choice. 
It looked brave to others but I knew it wasn't .
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