Thursday, May 11, 2017

An Impressive new friend:

  • Everything Nothing at AmayaGayle ॐ2012 to present
    It doesn't matter whether I am sitting with an individual or with members of an organization. The message and method is the same. We are One, not two - simply One. Only God exists here. Or as my favorite author Joel says, "God is the consciousness of the individual." Separation consciousness is the great lie and the basis of all perceived loss.

  • Founder (company)2011 to presentRidgefield, Washington
    Gayle offers compassionate guidance to people who have a sense that there is something more, even though they may not know what it is and to those who are tired of the search and want to stabilize within the present moment. Through her own path, and her husband's five years and recent death from cancer, she has come to understand why despite years of meditation and spiritual practice, we still have a tendency to deny the truth of our experience.

    • Compassion is Amaya’s life work. Her work, everything she does, says or writes, flows from present moment awareness. It wasn’t always so.

      In 1997 Gayle, as she was then called, followed her dream and sailed to Mexico with her husband Ken. She left behind a successful career, high heels and suits, her status and, as she soon found, her identity. Upon the ocean’s waves, Gayle plunged into a primal reality that revealed her fears and opened her mind to the potential and possibility of life.

      Inspired to find a deeper understanding and a way to navigate the fear, she returned home committed to befriending every fear and belief. In 2006, Ken was diagnosed with melanoma cancer. After five years navigating the medical system, caught between traditional and alternative therapies, Ken left his body in April of 2011. Ken’s life and his death, the grief anticipated and the grief of actual loss, saw the death of Gayle and the birth of Amaya. Like a Phoenix arising from the ashes, Amaya found herself in the timeless preciousness of the silent presence, the here and now of the present moment.
    • Jon Kabat Zinn: Wherever you go, there you are. 

      Donald Ripley: It has become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity. 
      Powder: Albert Einstein. 
      Donald Ripley: When I look at you, I have hope that maybe one day our humanity will surpass our technology.
    • So much has changed in the last five years. Kenny left his body 5 years ago today. It seems impossible and yet at times, on days like today, it feels like he's been gone forever. I have learned that the memories that pop up are there because I loved him so and now I lean into them, feeling them in their entirety. I still cry but not as often. Generally the tears fall in gratitude not grief in the old way. Ken's death taught me so much ... love never dies; only love matters; what we take to be reality really isn't; death doesn't exist so smile, have fun and enjoy the ride; we're here to return to love--to actualize it ... not a bad teacher I'd say. Thank you Kenny. I celebrate you today. I celebrate you!

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