Monday, April 17, 2017

Being in prison, one can still...

The degree of peace
The degree of happiness
The degree of well being
Has nothing to do with outer circumstances or material possessions.
The only place where it can be cultivated is in your own mind
Why are you looking elsewhere ?
You have the most powerful tool in the universe, nothing is impossible when you learn the workings and the depth of your mind.
"Owning nothing and in prison, an experienced meditator could still feel joyful and free. Whilst somebody else who may have every conceivable luxury and freedom could still feel joyless and imprisoned."
~ Chamtrul Rinpoche

"Owning nothing and in prison, an experienced meditator could still feel joyful and free. Whilst somebody else who may have every conceivable luxury and freedom could still feel joyless and imprisoned." Watching films on Viipassana Meditation in prisons prove this.

Thankas Inn Dharamshala When a meditator was released from a prison after many years where he was tortured in every level of his being

Was asked

What was the biggest danger you encountered during emprisonment ?

He answered...

The moment that I almost lost my compassion for the torturers...

Ron Alexander Have you seen DOING TIME, DOING VIPASSANA?

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