Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Surprising Homeless Veteran

 First part of story yesterday: Here is one for the heart! and Good Night, sweet giving dreams! I worked with a surprising homeless veteran today. I got a call from a vet. early in AM, he had just gotten out of jail after 3 months there, and was in a program at the VA that helps veterans like that. He told me he was still wearing the "pajamas" he was wearing when arrested for DUI three months ago. So I agreed to meet him at the VA homeless waiting room, and gathered some warm clothes to bring him. It was a surprise, because it was my long lost nephew, who had really worked against me for years. Now, I am the only one who can help him. Karma comes around, but I think he is learning the lessons needed to finally grow up. I am impressed with the support group from the VA who will help him, including myself. Please include us in your prayers: Barry and Uncle "Ronnie"!
Thanks everyone for the prayers and supportive comments. I spent all day today driving him around to help him get his life together, picking him up at his group house in N. Charleston at about 7 Am and delivering him back at about 6:30 pm. N. He has never been so humble, respectful and grateful to me,. sharing old photos of the several trips Mom had me take him on during his troublesome teenage years. He lost his Mom at age 16 and Dad at age 19, so Mom had me support him a lot.
Finally, he appears to be taking 12 step program and prayers seriously, much better at age 35 than later than never. Keep up the prayers for us please. I am swallowing a lot of resentment to be with him, however remembering the good times together really helps. Forgiving and forgetting the bad times is helping me feel better about myself too. Blessings, Ron



Rosey News
Thank you to Morgan Wheeler for this beautiful story.
Would you help a veteran in need?

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