Monday, February 27, 2017

Trump taking same path to power as Hitler

Yes, I am going to share what horrible things I have learned from interviewing WW2 vets!
Trump’s rhetoric about terrorism is meant to scare people. He can then use that fear to get what he wants.
So he starts off with a Muslim Travel ban on seven countries. It doesn’t matter whether the ban is effective or not.
Trump just wants to keep terrorism on people’s minds and start to build fear. He can then set the stage for a major power grab.
Hitler did the same thing in Germany 84 years ago
 years ago. He used a domestic terror attack to consolidate his power.
The incident in question is known as the Reichstag Fire...
Actually, Trump looks a lot more like Mussolini.
And he is a big bag of stinking wind like Mussolini!

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