Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Patricia Arnold:
At this moment, I am once again embracing the truth that not one soul came to this planet to stay.
Please join me in surrounding Joyce Townsend, the soul who came here to be my big sister, with radiant Light, as she proceeds along her eternal path.
When Joyce awoke this morning, she probably was surprised to discover that she was no longer wearing her human body costume, no longer weighted by gravity, and no longer limited to being in one place at a time.

Showering love on my younger sister, Mickey, niece April Townsend-Sinkfield, nephew Andre Townsend and their children, as we all transition to being over here without Joyce's physical presence--knowing that Everything is in Divine Order.
Much love to all!
Barbara Walker: Now she is whole; but still. . .sympathy for the (apparent) loss.
Patricia Arnold: You reveal that you know there is only loss in the illusory world, not the REAL world

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