Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Don't play the blame game

I woke up angry this morning after not getting much sleep last evening. As usual, I blamed insomnia. And that is where the anger came from. One of my favorite lyric verses from an old rock and roll song is "I don't blame ya, Lalainia (Deep Purple?) Forcing myself to stretch and walk this morning early by promising myself that I could go back to bed, I realized that blaming was a big problem in relationships. I need to take responsibility for my mood. It is not Insomnia nor anybody's fault. What can I do not to make a dream a nightmare? First of all, I tried gratitude walking amongst the grand Live Oaks. Then on the way back, a young man ran toward, was he angry? No, he was friendly wanting directions to the nearest bus stop. I was grateful for that interaction. What could I be grateful to Insomnia for. Well, my anger at my sleeplessness, helped me to look at the "blame game". I called Victoria, and explained this to her. Compassionately, she agreed with me, reminded me of some amazing synchronistic events between us recently, and told me she would help me with my sleep patterns later with love. I am grateful for this interaction.          Peace by not blaming, Ron Alexander


When the sun goes to bed
That's the time you raise your head,
That's your lot in life, Lalea
Can't blame ya, Lalea.
Arty tart, ladeda,
Can your part get much sadder ?
That's your lot in life, Lalea.
Can't blame ya, Lalea.
Run your hand through your hair,
Paint your face with despair.
That's your lot in life, Lalea
Can't blame ya, Lalea.
When the sun goes to bed
That's the time you raise your head.
That's your lot in life, Lalea
I can't blame ya, Lalea.
Arty tart, oh so ladeda,
Can your part ever get, ever get much sadder ?
That's your lot in life, Lalea.
I can't blame ya, Lalea, no, no, no, Lalea,
Oh, Lalea. 

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