Thursday, July 14, 2016

When we learn to fully embrace the limitless potential in the now,...

Getting Unstuck
Day 4 – How to Be Renewed Every Day
Today’s meditation teaches us that when we rely upon familiar repetition to guide us through life – instead of stepping into the ever-new possibilities of the present moment – we remain in a stale, stuck pattern of living. When we learn to fully embrace the limitless potential in the now, we are continuously renewed and liberated from the stuckness of powerlessness and blame. Living in a state of renewal then becomes easy and natural.

Our centering thought for today is:
I embrace the newness of this day.

“I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.” – Stanley Kunitz
Ron Alexander · 
It is not our situation, it is our thinking about the situation, that is the problem. It is not what is, it is our thinking about what is that is the problem. It is not the "ego", it is the thinking about our ego that is the problem. In 12 steps, the problem is called stinking thinking. It is negative thinking from our conditioned old part of the braiinl 
So glad that "brain" is being used instead of "ego" as the problem. I am in charge of my thinking, not the other way around. After all, it it our stinking thinking part of our brain that is the problem. Thanks Deepok and Ophrah.
Om Sarvatva Namah
The wholeness of the universe is my true nature.

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