Thursday, July 21, 2016

Three Good Samaritans came to the aid of a 93 year-old WWII vet just when and how the help was needed.

Awesomesauce. Humanity at it's best. Thank you for you service sir.
Larry Brauner added 2 new photos.
Following his weekly shopping trip to the Jewel Food Store at Roselle and Wise Roads in Schaumburg last Friday, July 15th, 93 year-old Arvid Johansen of Schaumburg was beside himself when his 1993 Buick would not start. With groceries having just been placed into his car, Arvid asked a fellow shopper in the parking lot if she could possibly help him start the disabled car. She took out jumper cables from her own car, but was unsuccessful in getting Arvid’s car to turn over. A gentleman named Jeff then came to the rescue, and although he could not get the car started, Jeff called Larry & Dan’s Marathon on Schaumburg Road and stayed with Arvid until station owner Dan Dworzynski arrived on the scene. The acts of kindness did not stop there. Dan of the Marathon Station drove Arvid and his groceries home and helped get the groceries into the house before returning to the Jewel parking lot with his tow truck. Arvid’s car was towed into the station, where a faulty starter was replaced with a new one. In the meanwhile Jeff, the second Good Samaritan, had called the service station to say that he wanted to pay Arvid’s bill for the towing and replaced starter. Jeff did. The repair bill was paid in full.
Three Good Samaritans came to the aid of a 93 year-old WWII vet just when and how the help was needed. It was a day Arvid Johansen will long remember and always be thankful for.

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