Sunday, June 5, 2016

More on Lucid Dreaming (see post below)

Theda Parks Lucid dreaming really is a remarkable experience. You absolutely know you are dreaming. In my own case, it was always to work through some issue... to find a solution.. or to change my way of thinking (most frequent) and view things differently. I really like it. It always made a difference. XOXO
Barbara Walker Interesting post. I did this instinctively when I was about 23. I had a recurrent nightmare of being chased by a bear. I would run and he would stay right behind me. I would shoot him and he would fall down and get up and come after me again. On and on it went, night after night. I could not get away. One night, I just stopped in my dream and turned around and faced him. . .some part of me aware that it was a dream. . .and he came up slowly and hugged me. I never dreamed it again.
Ron Alexander Wonderful lucid transformation Barbara, thanks for sharing!
Juanita Peterson Bishop Interesting. Been thinking abouth opening my heart up for friendship/companionship. Hadn't had it in me. This morning, I awoke thinking it was a dream, but I really don't know if I was awake or dreaming. If it was the dream, I said YES I WILL OPEN MY HEART. I woke up very startled.
Ron Alexander SWEET, thanks Juanita!
Ron Alexander Lucid Dreaming can be used for: 1. Solving problems 2. Unleashing Creativity 3. Stopping a nightmare 4. Healing the body 5. Focusing on specific issue. 6. Enjoying fantasy and adventure 7. Finding inner peace.
Early references to the phenomenon are found in ancient Greek writings. For example, the philosopher Aristotle wrote: 'often when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream'
 In Eastern thought, cultivating the dreamer's ability to be aware that he or she is dreaming is central to both the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream Yoga, and the ancient Indian Hindu practice of Yoga nidra. The cultivation of such awareness was common practice among early Buddhists.
The first peer-reviewed article on the subject was published by Stephen LaBerge at Stanford University, who developed such techniques as part of his doctoral dissertation.[24] In 1985, LaBerge performed a pilot study that showed that time perception while counting during a lucid dream is about the same as during waking life. Lucid dreamers counted out ten seconds while dreaming, signaling the start and the end of the count with a pre-arranged eye signal measured with electrooculogram recording.[25][26][27] LaBerge's results were confirmed by German researchers D. Erlacher and M. Schredl, in 2004.[28]
In a further study by Stephen LaBerge, four subjects were compared either singing while dreaming or counting while dreaming. LaBerge found that the right hemisphere was more active during singing and the left hemisphere was more active during counting.[29]
I did an all night workshop led by Stephen LaBerge at Berkeley Ca. in 1986 and found out I have a propensity to be able to "live" in my dreams with some presleep visualization. Ron Alexander


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