Thursday, June 30, 2016


Ron Alexander: AWESOME! I too live in mixed race apts. and the African-American Neighbor has brought me up food and cough drops when I was sick with flu and a special meal on Father's Day. Everybody around her believes and practices Love thou Neighbor!. Thank you Barbara!
Barbara Walker
My neighborhood should be a poster child for how the world should work. There is a mixed race couple beside us. He puts out our trash cans,; she did the walk for Gracie. When she could not do it any longer (work schedule change), she contacted the Mormon family across the street, and the son picked up. One night everyone mis-communicated, apparently, and I tried to hobble out with Gracie on my cane; and the neighbor across the street saw me and offered to (and did) walk Gracie along with his big, lumbering boxer mix dog. A 13 year old from two streets over comes every morning and gives her her long walk, which he offered to do for free, though I will pay him. While he was at camp for a few days, his parents did the walking with her. Last night we got chocolate zucchini bread for the family across the street. I mention the religion and race issues, only to demonstrate the diversity of the goodness.
We notice all the ways the world looks crazy and hostile; and I wanted to report that good people are still very much in evidence. I feel very, very blessed. . .and besides that, my Phoenix Mercury are winning

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