Sunday, June 19, 2016

Important Personal Message (Or any other Libra)

During the next 15 months, you will have an unprecedented chance to materialize a fantasy you've harbored for years. Essential to your efforts will be a capacity to summon more ambition than you ever have before. I'm not talking about the grubby self-promotion that typically passes for ambition, however.  Arrogant self-importance and selfish posturing will not be a part of your winning formula. Rather, the kind of ambition I'm referring to is a SOARING ASPIRATION that seeks the best and highest not just for yourself but for EVERYONE whose life you touch. I mean the Holy Hunger that drives you to express IMPECCABLE INTEGRITY as you seek to master the tasks you came on Earth to do.
Get Started!  Rob Brezsny (Free Will Astrology)

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