Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Journey of Blessing Your Self

The Journey of
Blessing Your Self:

Bestowing Your Gifts on Yourself to Liberate Your Greatest Contribution

Saturday, May 21, 2016
10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern

Register to tune in or receive the recording

If you are like most people with a big mission - and if you are reading this you surely DO have a Big Mission - your genius and your ability to fully actualize your potential can too often feel diminished by ongoing struggles with old wounds.

What if you could just say, “Enough already!” to dealing with those old wounds?

What if instead of feeling stuck, you had a proven method to release the past, activate your genius and unlock the next level of your potential through a proven, step-by-step process that uses the power of your unique gifts...on yourself?

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Well... it’s here...

Evolutonary Leader Tim Kelley, founder of True Purpose, is going to share his proven methods to unlock your genius and catalyze the journey to your next level of potential.

It’s a technique Tim calls, “blessing yourself,” and he’s sharing it during a free virtual event on Saturday, May 21, called: The Journey of Blessing Your Self: Bestowing Your Gifts on Yourself to Liberate Your Greatest Contribution.

Register for this free session HERE.

A former military officer and software engineer, Tim has worked with political leaders, billionaires, and hundreds of business leaders from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL.

Tim is known in these high level circles as the go-to teacher for learning how to consistently access higher guidance, a skill that is remarkably practical (and simple, once you develop the "muscle").

In this mind-shifting, practical hour you’ll:
  • Learn an innovative process for healing and transformation
  • Gain clarity about how to use your purpose to heal your own wounds
  • Feel who you will become and what you can do once you’re “blessed”
  • Find out why, even though you’ve done so much work, that you may not feel fulfilled in your calling at the level you know you’re meant to
Please don’t miss this opportunity to connect to Tim and experience his time-tested methods!
Tim Kelley is a member of
Evolutionary Leaders:
In Service to Conscious Evolution

A Project of the Source of Synergy Foundation

PS: This event will be recorded and everyone who registers will receive the recording. If you are ready to learn how to bless yourself to liberate your greatest contribution, then enroll now for this FREE call with True Purpose founder Tim Kelley:

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