Tuesday, May 31, 2016

No mistakes, You've always been successful...

Jambo and Happy June, Ron!  

I know I sometimes need reminding, and so just maybe you do, too:
Ron, we live in an illusionary world designed for you to find and create happiness. You're inclined to succeed, pushed on to greatness every single day, with positive thoughts that are at least 10,000 times more powerful than your negative thoughts.
Ron, your thoughts become the things and events of your life! It doesn't get any better than this. It doesn't matter where you've been or even where you now are. What is it you want? Create a picture of it in your mind, imagine all the details, feel the happy tears streaming down your face, feel the warm hugs of congratulations from your friends, and know that this vision is yours for the making.

In the days that follow, take action, because for every little step you take, the Universe takes many more on your behalf. The more you do, the more She does. It is easy, easier than "blood, sweat, and tears." You've always been successful, there have been no mistakes, and the BEST IS YET TO COME!
No matter where this finds you, Ron, I wish that you find, and live, the truth every day of your life!
You are so adored,

Mike Dooley

Save the Date: November 3 - 6, 2016

TUT hereby presents... Infinite Possibilities Soulapalooza!

Oh, YES! This is real! We just coined the term, claimed the domain, and signed the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort contract! Top secret details to follow within weeks, but to whet your appetite, picture this...
  • You, me, and new besties from all over the world enjoying the Florida sunshine in November.
  • Nourishment for your soul, transformational talks, connection with like-minded thinkers.
  • Daily workshops, yoga, meditation, team-building activities, and mixers.  
  • Arrive early or stay late - it's close to Disney World, golf, tennis, and Florida beaches.
  • Return home with new tools, techniques, and friends to kick off the BEST OF YOUR LIFE!

Stay tuned to your daily Notes from the Universe for more details, as they become available!

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