Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Very touching memorial to Facebook friend from England, never met Pete except his loving messages were always appreciated.

Viki's wonderful tribute: This is Pete's youngest daughter Viki Shaw on my Dad's facebook (he left me the account, what a gift to give!) I will start as my Dad always did.. My dear ones/fb friends, As you already know my Dad recently went into hospital & after a very short but aggressive battle with cancer, our loving father passed away at 6.45am this morning aged a young 69 years. He went peacefully & in love. All 5 of his children were there to see & speak to him before or his final hours, which I know he would have appreciated immensely. As we all know he spoke about each of his loved ones very often. And he love us all so much. We love him & will miss him more than words could ever say. As youre aware, he was a great lover of music, so we played some for him.. One of his favourites 'Sg Pepper Album by The Beatles' He seemed to enjoy it! I was right by his side throughout comforting & loving him. Also, I told him id tell you all just how truly brave he was, he did so well guys. And now he can finally see the top of 'that mountain' he's been talking about for quite some time. I'm sure he's enjoying the amazing view up there already. Sending much love to all those whose lives our beautiful Dad has touched. Thank you for all your comments & support I know Dad would have appreciated it, as do we too. At some point we will be turning his page to a 'remembering one' I will be checking his page & hope that I can look after it for him without changing anything. Please continue to use & enjoy my Dad's many posts. Share them & enjoy as that's why he did this. I will leave you with one of his favourites, one more time now.. 'Be the candle that lights up a dark room' As a reflection on what you all meant to him. Please enjoy this song as a parting gesture from us, on his behalf. Thank you from Viki & the Shaw Family
The Beatles - With a Little Help from My Friends Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - 1967 Lyrics: What would you do if I sang out of tune, Would you stan...

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