Tuesday, March 22, 2016

...this very moment is holy...

LIKE: this very moment is holy
you are called to breathe into that space
nourish the connections
you are guided!
Soul Beckons
9 hrs
Trust The Flow
perhaps the very moment you are rushing through
holds a sacred invitation
could the everyday be fused with the Divine?...
if you have answered yes
there must be a deep calling
for less of the striving
more of the allowing
will you pause long enough to answer?
have the winds of change and surrender been picking up?
what would it mean to be in a state of radical openness?
to stand in your soul's sturdiness despite the outer chaos?
what would it feel like to get out of your own way?
can the sky be vast enough to hold your dreams?
can the earth be trusted enough to hold you?
who whispers to you from beyond?
what do the dreams call out?
this very moment is holy
you are called to breathe into that space
nourish the connections
you are guided
heart emoticon
Peace on your path,
Tracy Soul Beckons

Artist ~ Freydoon Rassouli

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