Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 8 - Making Lightness the New You

Shedding the Weight
Day 8 – Making Lightness the New You
The burdens we carry around with us have become part of our attitudes, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, but they are not permanent. Habits are the outcome of old decisions and they can be changed only through new decisions and choices.
In today’s meditation, we discover that the most important decision we can make is to embrace the possibility of our true self. When we let higher intelligence do the work, getting rid of burdens isn’t a burden.

Our centering thought for today is:
I find joy in my healing and recovery.

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.” Deborah Day


Siddho Hum
I am perfect.

Excellent, best meditation yet for me. I AM MAKING LIGHTNESS THE NEW ME. Siddoh Hum I AM PERFECT! With deep gratitude to Oprah and Deepak. Bless your hearts, Ron Alexander

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