Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 6 – The Key to Positive Input

 Shedding the Weight
Day 6 – The Key to Positive Input
We learn in today’s meditation that every experience influences our life. We metabolize everything we encounter – physically and emotionally – so each experience becomes a part of our minds and bodies.
Negative experiences are metabolized differently than positive experiences. If you overload the system with negative input, it goes out of balance.
If you substitute positive inputs instead, these also get metabolized into your overall wellbeing, energy level, and health. The best inputs are any experiences that make you feel lighter physically and emotionally, from the freshest organic foods to laughter to the beauty of Nature.
Positive input strengthens you on every level, making it much easier to rid your system of toxins.
Our centering thought for today is:
Positive input nourishes me at every level.
The Key to Positive Input


Positive input nourishes me at every level.


Om Sva Bhaksha
I am nourished by my true self.
“Making each moment count positively is all that life demands from you.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
We learn in today’s meditation that every experience influences our life. We metabolize everything we encounter – physically and emotionally – so each experience becomes a part of our minds and bodies.
Negative experiences are metabolized differently than positive experiences. If you overload the system with negative input, it goes out of balance.
If you substitute positive inputs instead, these also get metabolized into your overall wellbeing, energy level, and health. The best inputs are any experiences that make you feel lighter physically and emotionally, from the freshest organic foods to laughter to the beauty of Nature.
Positive input strengthens you on every level, making it much easier to rid your system of toxins.

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