Monday, February 1, 2016


We interrupt this war for doctors to heal,
teachers to teach, and students to learn.
We interrupt this war to marvel at sunsets,
listen to music, and to laugh.
Gathering of Healers with Vilma D. López.
2 hrs
We interrupt this war for doctors to heal,
teachers to teach, and students to learn.
We interrupt this war to marvel at sunsets,
listen to music, and to laugh.
We interrupt this war for poets to rhyme, sculptors to
chisel, and writers to paint pictures with words.
We interrupt this war to plant tomatoes, mow
the grass, and to smell the roses.
We interrupt this war to feed the hungry, build
new schools, and to stamp out ignorance.
We interrupt this war to clean up the air, save
the whales and to find a cure for cancer.
We interrupt this war to rebuild New Orleans,
tickle babies and for world peace.
We interrupt this war for PTA meetings, band
concerts, and high school graduations.
We interrupt this war for Girl Scout Cookies,
church bake sales, and the Special Olympics.
We interrupt this war for Disneyland, the
World Series, and the Super Bowl.
We interrupt this war for Halloween candy,
Thanksgiving Turkey, and 4th of July fireworks.
We interrupt this war for Hanukkah,
Christmas and Kwanza.
We interrupt this war to bring sons,
daughters, sisters and brothers home.
We interrupt this war to hear a message from our sponsors.
~Cappy Hall Rearick ~

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