Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tell Hillary to Quit Lying

On Wednesday night's CNN town hall, Hillary Clinton falsely claimed that her vote for the 2003 Iraq invasion had actually been a vote for more inspections rather than war.

In fact, Clinton voted against an amendment proposed by Senator Carl Levin that would have authorized war only if Iraq refused to fully cooperate with UN inspectors.

"Instead," notes scholar Stephen Zunes, "she voted for the Republican-sponsored resolution which gave President Bush the authority to invade and occupy Iraq at the time and circumstances of his own choosing."

In fact, Clinton at the time justified her vote by parroting Bush and Cheney's false claims about biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, and Iraqi ties to al Qaeda -- war propaganda rejected at the time by many experts around the world.


Clinton falsely claimed on Wednesday that top inspector Hans Blix supported the war resolution she voted for. He did not. And actually, just last week he said it's doubtful ISIS would exist if not for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Hillary Clinton's razor thin margin was actually a defeat of a well-financed, highly organized, experienced Clinton campaign and the Democrats ought to be worried…|By Lawrence D. Bobo

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