Thursday, February 25, 2016

Old Sailing Days

Tonight's Anchorage for "Slowpoke". Biscayne Bay during a Florida winter cold front out of the north reminds me of San Francisco Bay in the slot in front of the Golden Gate Bridge in the summertime, minus the fog and current. This must be why both areas have produced such great sailors. Today was cold (well, 50's) with winds gusting to 30 plus knots and 3 or 4 foot chop. Last night boat's were dragging their anchors in the squally anchorage. Ken and I are just fine but tired and glad Slowpoke's anchorage tonight is quiet.

Janice Pehrson's Location
Ron Alexander Have you tried anchorage at Dinner Key? It was best in 70's - may be all moorings now? I would duck inside with really bad weather in those day in front of Monty's Conch restaurant. 3-4 ft. chop in anchorage is miserable. Is Ken's Slowpoke the Morgan "36"? and Ken the Capt. I met in Sausalito at the Cruising Club? It will get much better. If you get a chance, go to Cinema and see The Finest Hours. It will make you thankful to be South,. It is a true story about the greatest US Coast Guard small boat rescue in history off shores of Nantucket and Well Fleet, Mass. Great realistic rough sea scenes in a blizzard...enjoy, ron


Jan Pehrson Yes Ron we are at Dinner Key right now. Yes "Slowpoke" is the Morgan Out Island 36 - yes you met Ken who stripped out the original 1974 hull inside & out down to the original fiberglass & rebuilt it, you met him in Sausalito- cool I'll look for finest hour 😎😎thanks for the tip ..

Jan Pehrson Can still anchor at Dinner Key outside of mooring field.

Ron Alexander Yes, it can get very rough out there. I spent a lot of time out there and there was a small day anchorage back then in front of Monty's Conch, where they used to have outdoor concerts. I really enjoyed sailing in there for concerts. I even beached Kayoss on nearby small key to clean her bottom taking a couple of low tides for each side - "careening" I think it was called. GREAT MEMORIES! Partied at nearby downtown too! A jazz singer used to have a big wooden boat she lived on and used to row in barebreasted - I was a willing "groupie". She sang nearby.


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