Thursday, February 4, 2016


Rev. J. D. topped this post with the statement: Stop listening to your ego and listen to Source
 Ra Divakar: Actually, the "ego" is between the lower brain and the Source. I noticed Rev. Beckwith did not mention the demonized "ego"! LOVE!
RevJudy Miller: Dienst No,Ra Divakar, he didn't. But I did. This is one of the crucial lessons I teach. We need to be completely aware of the destructive energy of the ego. When he said to STOP listening to these messages...who do you think would give us these messages? Certainly not our God (by any name), it is the collective consciousness of egoic mentality, the negativity, that people embrace and pass on like the latest flu bug. And yes, you said it, ....the ego is not of the high vibration of Source. I see it as part of the reptilian brain that can surface if our pre-frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex disengages. Additionally I witness the strengthening of the cc, by the Source, along with the clearing of the beliefs originally held by the individual. Thank you very much, Ra Divakar, for the conversation. Namaste
Ra Divakar: When was the "ego" made into the inner satan? It is a concept that was made up by Freud to explain how humans differentiated from animals. It is the "conscious connection between the id and the superego". We cannot differentiate ourselves from anyone without it. It is true that we can have too much ego, however many do not have enough and that is called a weak sense of self. We do not to be aware of it and keep it in balance, but as long as we are in this body, we need it. Unless we are fortunate to be a monk or a prisoner, then with enough support, we can give it up. Meher Baba called it the "provisonal ego" - a "necessary evil". He took some followers on at "New Life" and they had to give up everything - even their families.
Possibly it is the "id" concept you are thinking of Rev. Judy. However, even that lower brain we need to survive in this world. No part of me is junk. It is dualist thinking to think that any part of us is not of our wholeness. And it is definitely not unconditional love to disparage any part of us!
RevJudy Miller Dienst: Of course there are "different" egos. If you haven't witnessed the ego that criticizes and tells people they don't amount to anything, is NOT a necessity, it is a distraction. Freud may have created the "name" ego, but he did not create the ego. Ego is one of the polarities on this planet. I am referring to the dark energy, that yes, some call the devil. It wasn't "made" into the inner satan. It IS the inner satan (if that is what you prefer to call it). It has NOthing to do with God, other than being its polar opposite. Yes, we can learn from it....we can learn to not entertain it; to not allow it to control our thoughts and therefore our life. Check out my book, where this is fully discussed and explained, from my point of view. It won an award, so guess it has some value to be read by those who don't fully understand this concept that I teach. "A Conversion From Mind To Soul" is avail on, or directly on Thanks for sharing, Ra Divakar
Ra Divakar: Wow, in the name of LOVE, please change your thinking and quit demonizing that part of us - of you - unconditionally love all of us - you!
Michael Bernard Beckwith's photo.
Michael Bernard Beckwith

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