Thursday, February 18, 2016

FREE FALL: ...And every tiny moment enters in our bones...

And every tiny moment enters in our bones... Soul understands... We are always ending and beginning.

 Thanks Tracy of Soul Beckons, Will and amazing artist Gustav Klimt
Soul Beckons
Free Fall
a hundred ways to stay in the fading
reach for the ways breath echoed in the mists of morning
yet in the light of the afternoon sun...
longing lingers
in the endings
are invitations
surrender the passing
become the invitation
to be and to become
down past the stinging
you follow what is yet to be
nothing really stays the same
as the purple blooms burst
they fall
they fade
are we not summoned to be that free?
in the beauty of goodbye
tender place carved for what will come
and every tiny moment
enters in our bones
soul understands
we are always
heart emoticon
Peace on your path,

Artist ~ Gustav Klimt

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