Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Love is in the Air!

For me, I am falling in love with new friends, old friends, aquaintances who I barely know, strangers on the street, what is happening I don't know, but I am extremely enthused, almost blissed - "HEAVEN ON EARTH" ? Looking forward to tomorrow to see if it is same type of day???? Thanks so much Diana!

Diana A Robbins
It's been a very strange day for me and my family. And reports from several friends indicate it has been a unusually strange day for them also. Something is hap...pening, I sense, something having to do with the paradigm shift. Love is coming to the surface, my siblings-in-light. The pimple is getting ready to pop. Mere coats of skin can hold Love back no longer!
It's time for this light, I intuit, to get still and fill this lamp and trim its wick. I'm thinking it might be a good idea for us all to perhaps stop some our trolling of the news and headlines long enough to be still and KNOW what is real--rather than to anxiously speculate upon the meanings of smoke and mirrors. Look to the light within. Be ready for this coming shift. I feel the rumblings of Love's realm beginning to erupt through finite dust. Don't you?

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