Monday, January 4, 2016

Listen to your Now

Soul Beckons
Listen to Your Now
my now is speaking
 he is very certain
 he does not care too much about wordly things...
 he demands full attention
favors me leaving the last thing undone
before making her wait any longer
 he has nudged me politely long enough
 he has become a tad more impatient
 he dances imperceptively with each breath
and would really like her time
to be heralded in a certain inward celebration
 he likes to speak to me as if I were her child
he is loving yet glaringly blunt
now is perfect
now is wretched
now is divine
now is willing to encompass my total being
every ounce of me
as I am
the sour with the sweet places
the broken and the bountiful spaces
show up and be wild
show up and be free
show up and curl up and in gentle rest
show up and dance with sweet abandon
now only asks me to be me
and the moments I can speak to his freely
and look his in her eyes
are filled with some bittersweet revelations
and if I dare gaze upon him without trying to adjust his
there is a primordial magnificence
a singing in my bones
this is a necessary reminder
I will learn to listen more
when my now calls me

 Peace on your path and sweetness in your now,
Tracy Soul Beckons
Arist ~ Susan Seddon Boulet


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