Thursday, January 7, 2016

...instead of spending money to build more new temples...

Chow Cheong King's photo.
Chow Cheong King
3 hr
Understand the essence of Lord buddha teachings with clarity and practice with the heart-mind all the while instead of spending money to build more new temples ...and institutions to promote the Ego of any particular group or religious leaders. Use the money and resources to build more free clinics and homes for the poor, old and needy. We need more awakened masters to lead the communities to do the right things or projects and to practice the right teachings like compassion, loving-kindness, selflessness and sharing.
"Despite the clarity of the teachings, we often lose sight of this essential aim of eradicating mental poisons and self-clinging. In fact, instead of eliminating those poisons, we often end up increasing them. For example, people that practice the Dharma have a tendency to gather together and organize themselves. They create institutions, Dharma centers, and monasteries that can quickly become banners proclaiming their self-importance. 'We are this. We are that. We are Nyingma! Kagyu! Sakya! Geluk!' People in these institutions nominate someone to be president, secretary and treasurer. These officials can easily become proud of these titles. Gradually, their activities come to be at odds with their original purpose."
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

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