Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Include the "ego" in your healing for Healing to Wholeness. No part of us is junk!

Include the "ego" in your healing for Healing to Wholeness. No part of us is junk!


D. R. Ego schmego. I see ego merely as a part of us that holds in mind a mistaken, discordant concept of who we are and why we are here. When we come to self-realization, the mistaken concept falls away and we see that we've been ONE integrated whole all along. MHO.


Ra Divakar Oh, I am sorry you see a part of yourself so harshly dear Diana. The "ego" is an evolvement from the animal state. It allows us to make choices and differentiate us from others in our development. It is true to reach the pure spirit state, we need to let it go. However, as long as we are in our body, we will need it, unless we can go to a place where we can be completely taken care of like an ashram, a monastery or a prison. What part of you made that defensive reply? What part of you takes pride in your beautiful paintings? There is nothing wrong with "pride" (ego) unless it gets out of balance and we have too strong an ego or even too weak an ego (most people's problem). Be an unconditional lover dear One, I know you want to be!
Wayne Waller: When we are born, we are one mass of undifferentiated experience that undergoes the birth of the "I" identity in order to differentiate our self as an ego. Later, some of us begin the process in reverse, and become enlightened by merging as AWARENESS. This is all very natural.

Ron Alexander: As long as we are in this body, acting independently, we need an ego. Without one, we are very dependent - can happen in monastories, ashrams (where Monks/servants take care of you) or prison, where guards take care of you. A "cell" is a cell in either place. What we want is to be aware of our "ego" so it does not become unbalanced - too little or too much!
Unity- Koontz oh ya .. its the MIND with all its story telling (which I will admit I get caught up with sometimes and it causes alot of fear and suffering ) that tells me I must escape it and hide !!!!!
Diana A Robbins You are not alone in this! smile emoticon heart emoticon
Ra Divakar Yes, it is the "MIND" (our thoughts) that are the problem, not the "ego".


Ra Divakar A balanced strong ego is a beautiful part of us
Ron Alexander Yep, the body is the temple of our Spirit. And the ego helps us be rational while in this body! And then there will be a time to leave both behind us.

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