Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Exceeding abundantly" to accompany the Miracle of LOVE

Today, I hold my thoughts steadfast in the realization that Divine Life  is flowing through me. I believe in the fullness of the bounty of God.  There can be no lack in Spirit. Spirit now inspires me in everything I do, say and think. Realizing that God is the animating Essence of all life, that God withholds nothing from me, I prepare myself for life of joy, love, accomplishment, health,  and well being.  I permit myself to believe in the Divine Freedom that is my birthright.  I know the Law of Good keeps me in perfect activity, surrounds me with love and friendship. It causes me to experience the joy of Living. It causes me to impart into everyone I meet an atmosphere of confidence and faith that uplifts and enlightens.      
Today, I permit the flow of pure Spirit to enter my consciousness to radiate in my environment, to bless everything I touch, to make whole that which is weak, to turn fear into faith, to accompany the miracle of  LOVE.
 (Exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the POWER that worketh within us. Ephesians) (paraphrased from Ernest Holmes)

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