Thursday, December 10, 2015

Why posts on Commitment?

Ron Alexander: More on commitment is coming up as I was offered my dream job at the VA - interviewing and recording stories of our wounded warriors for permanent entry into our National Archives at the American Folklore Center at our Library of Congress.

I finally found a volunteer who is committed to conducting VHP interviews and I hope for some help.
1.       Ron Alexander needs access to a video camera that meets VHP criteria below. Their specifics are on their site. Is there a way he can check it in and out?
2.       As needed, is there a mechanism where Ron can schedule the studio (it’s a nice quiet place) for interviews?
3.       VHP’s priority is WWII Vets, then Korea. Can you help us spread the word through the clinics that we’re seeking these Vets when Ron is ready? 
 The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. Ron Alexander

I finally found a volunteer who is committed to conducting VHP interviews and I hope for some help.
1.       Ron Alexander needs access to a video camera that meets VHP criteria below. Their specifics are on their site. Is there a way he can check it in and out?
2.       As needed, is there a mechanism where Ron can schedule the studio (it’s a nice quiet place) for interviews?
3.       VHP’s priority is WWII Vets, then Korea. Can you help us spread the word through the clinics that we’re seeking these Vets when Ron is ready? 


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