Sunday, December 27, 2015

...whatever is beside us is our greatest teacher

LIKE: ...whatever is beside us is our greatest teacher
may we show up to every moment...
Soul Beckons
22 hrs
now whispers
''please join me"
the invitation is familiar in a welcoming way
yet often gets put aside
because of the loudness of the "doings"...
yet the little whisper continues
''wherever one is
is the most magnificent place
there is never a more important moment
then what lies right before you
every breath is the breath of forever
join me know in the dance of this moment"
we are infinite in our inhalations
the out breath reminds us to clear out the stagnant places
whatever is beside us is our greatest teacher
may we show up to every moment
knowing it matters
allowing the body to inhabit the space
inviting the mind to cast off her vigilance
softly mindful
soul infused nudges
every little moment is a sacred invitation
heart emoticon
Peace on your path,
Artist ~ Geogia O'Keefe

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