Tuesday, December 29, 2015

We are ALL the expressions of the ONE LOVE/Source

Diana A Robbins
It is only in the realization that there is NO "other," that we are ALL the expressions of the ONE LOVE/Source, that we can begin to even understand or enter in...to what we humans have called atonement (reconciliation, at-one-ment). Be still and see that ALL That IS, resides in you, all around you, AS you. This is the meaning of "Christ," a spirit and not one man. Jesus knew this, and so we can call him Christ, for he realized his own Christhood. And we also are of that same spirit--the ONE SON expressed as many. Oh, the oneness of it all... the wondrous oneness! Jesus would not have us worship him as God. He would have us ALL adore one another as God's (Love's) expressions!

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