Friday, December 25, 2015

"Perfect Love" would never leave out our "egos" and "bodies" - Merry Christmas to our Inner Christs

Joining in the past, it seems like egos made more egos.
Being one, oneness made more of itself
...which makes no sense
Either oneness or egos are real.
Here's a hint: Oneness is real and egos seem to be real.
It's why ACIM says to accept the Atonement for yourself.
On this Christmas morning we celebrate the birth of Perfect Love into our world.
May Perfect Love be reborn in all our hearts
And here's another hint:
Perfect Love is always here.
It never was not here.
It never left me.
I left It.
So, this Christmas, I'm accepting the Atonement for myself.
And my new job
is to bring eternal love to that which SHOULD be infinitely happy already,
but it seems like it isn't.
It's what happens to oneness when it seems to enter the past and be many.
It seems to be unhappy.
It seems to be many.
It seems to be unloved.
All that is impossible, but my marching orders are to do this, so I will.
I used to serve my ego.
Now I serve oneness.
Now I serve the eternally loved, infinitely happy version of you.
And who are you?
Oh that's easy. ACIM helped me out on this, too.
You are the One Son of a God.
Oh, and by the way, happy birthday! This is the day You are (re-) born in me!
(Thank you for letting me come back.)
Lee Bwao
Christmas Day 2015
Ron Alexander "Perfect Love" would never exclude anything, including your "ego" and your "body", even though in Reality, they are illusions. Merry Christmas even to reality! And we are ONE!
Lee Bwao Perfect love never left me but I thought I left it. This powerful dream of separation seems to continue under it's own power. It's seemingly powerful stuff. Love is eternal. Happiness is infinite. I'm slowly figuring this out!! LOL!! Merry Christmas to Reality and ego

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