Wednesday, December 23, 2015

One after another, may each level of negativity be stripped away.

"May Vipassana thus arise
to suffuse the mind with equanimity.
One after another, may each layer of negativity be stripped away."

- S. N. Goenka
Greetings Fellow Meditators,
The December issue of the Dhamma Patapa Update is published here. You may also access it by copying and pasting the following link in your browser:
Read about:
  • Practice and Daily Life, an interview with Paul Fleischman
  •   "Guilt is not a parami (virtue); it’s a sankara. There’s no role for guilt. If you can’t live in the ideal, you should take delight in the fact that you are living the Dhamma life to some degree and keep practicing and growing in Dhamma without that guilt.
    There are other things, not just guilt, but guilt is the number one way Dhamma is misunderstood and used to harm the practitioner."                                                                     
  • Old students gathering for the annual meeting at Dhamma Patapa
  • Servers needed for winter work period with Teacher in attendance, Jan 8-13; and Jan 13th and 27th 10-day courses
  • If for company you find a wise and prudent friend
    who leads a good life,
    you should, overcoming all impediments,
    keep their company joyously and mindfully.

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