Wednesday, November 25, 2015

we feel our inner strength and step into the winds

LIKE: endings to beginnings
birth and death
all in a weaving tapestry
we feel our inner strength
and step into the winds.
Soul Beckons
Entering the Wind
often the winds of change can be postponed
from touching us
we may move ourselves out of the way
but like the mists of early dawn
we are slowly drawn to it
we allow our fear to merge with wonder
the inevitable breath of life
we are not called to refuse our blossoming
yet we are beckoned to reach beyond the earthly confinement
in the mist and fog and sight beyond seeing
we remember
the cycles and movements of times before
growth of heart
stirring souls
endings to beginnings
birth and death
all in a weaving tapestry
we feel our inner strength
and step into the winds...
heart emoticon
Peace on your path,
Tracy Soul Beckons

Artist ~ Marleen Visser

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