Monday, November 30, 2015

Place of Undying compassion

...this place
of undying compassion
rocks my inner hurts and stinging anger
soothes me so I can greet this world more freely
my acceptance of my fumbles
my willingness to see beyond the broken
is nourished in this small yet vast place
I hope you too have a place of softness deep within
May today find you tending to it sweetly.
Soul Beckons's photo.
Soul Beckons
I keep a place of softness
deep down
this place holds me
in times of struggle
welcomes in the ways of this life that rattle me...
helps me see a bigger picture somehow
this place
of undying compassion
rocks my inner hurts and stinging anger
soothes me so I can greet this world more freely
my acceptance of my fumbles
my willingness to see beyond the broken
is nourished in this small yet vast place
I hope you too have a place of softness deep within
May today find you tending to it sweetly.
heart emoticon
Tracy Soul Beckons

artist ~ John Bauer

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