Monday, November 2, 2015

Patience is slowing down and remembering to change thoughts that hurt

Impatience is a sign of hurrying, hurrying is a sign of worrying, worrying is a sign of fear, and fear is a sign, Ron, that someone has temporarily forgotten that it's never too late to change their thoughts and, therefore, their "things." Glad we could straighten that out,     The Universe

Michele Dorland: Ron Alexander I often think you are my soulmate in terms of the work you are doing that I am doing too. I guess it is the time in our life for self exploration and to start believing in ourselves, to become better and better and happier and happier each day. To free ourselves from limiting believes and self destructive and old patterns of behavior to create the life we really want and become the person we were meant to be. Not always an easy journey but certainly one you and I are recognizing and following. Such a beautiful life so grateful for so much abundance. Namaste to you my friend. Have a wonderful day full of joy, inner peace, gratitude and love.
Ron Alexander Ah, that is so sweet dear Michele - at least Soul Siblings! Awe and then some, I am so grateful!
Michele Dorland Yes soul siblings love it Ron Alexander

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