Monday, November 2, 2015

I Am Not A Label

very good, thanks Erin, I will share this with group.

I brought Dr. John Wesley Fisher with me to book group last night, and it lasted until 9:30 instead of 8pm. It got very deep. This principle suited me after last night:
12. We can always perceive ourselves and others as extending love or giving a call for help.
(Attitudinal Healing affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we experience. Attitudinal Healing encourages us to reexamine our relationships, bringing them into the present by releasing past judgments and grievances. Attitudinal Healing is based on the belief that all communication is for joining and not separation.) - My most important learning plus "don't take things personally or get defensive."
For the last group next Sunday, please bring in your most important learning from the group/books/principles.

This You tube reminds me of chant on Bridge to Unity and Peace:  One Race, the human race, we are all one people - Lornabelle Geathers                Blessings, Ron

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