Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 17 – Faith Connects Us Heart-to-Heart (This experience of faith is felt as love in our hearts.)

In today’s meditation, we look at the unifying power of faith. We have developed an understanding of faith as the shared value of our core beliefs. This experience of faith is felt as love in our hearts. To live our faith is to live as a loving person. That means our life is directed from our loving center, our true self. We do this by finding situations around us where our love can make a difference, and then extending ourselves in acts of love. These acts are done without any thought of receiving something in return. However, this heart-to-heart connection always brings countless benefits to both the giver and receiver.
Aham Prema
I am love.

Our centering thought for today is:
My faith calls me to love.

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." 
— Mother Teresa

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