Sunday, November 22, 2015

Congratulations on completing the third week of Become What You Believe!

Congratulations on completing the third week of Become What You Believe! It has been our privilege to spend this past week with you, as we learned how to:
  • 1. shift our beliefs from “us versus them” to “we are one,” so that we recognize our own self in everyone and everything
  • 2. find our own truth within that moves us toward love, freedom, and wholeness
  • 3. harness the power of belief to guide our spiritual transformation
  • 4.ignite the energy of belief into a harmonious force that unites the world in our common humanity

As we near the end of our time together, we’d like to express our infinite gratitude for your presence on this incredible journey. We invite you to take advantage of our Facebook Community which is always available to you for tips and tricks to keep your meditation practice thriving.
Be sure to join us tomorrow for our special bonus day, in which we will reveal one final secret to embrace your wholeness and start living in the light. We look forward to meditating with you at the conclusion of our life-changing journey together.
Until tomorrow,

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