Tuesday, October 20, 2015

World Hospice Day

I am blessed to be a volunteer caregiver at the VA hospice here in Charleston. I am learning so much being in the presence of these magnificent heroes - most of whom were drafted into service. Their innocence, the stories they tell, the horror they survived would help you understand the preciousness of Life, and wonder why wars continue to plague this beautiful world? The main philosophy of Hospice is to "make every moment" count and the medical personal here are the most committed of any I have seen anywhere. Save the VA HOSPITAL SYSTEM! I have worked in other hospitals in Fla, and CA. and none approach the community-feeling and commitment of the medical staff at the VA! They are receiving political crap from the right, because there are greedy UNAWARE people there who want to make them for-profit private hospitals. That would leave out most of our vets, just as most HMO's leave out our poorest citizens. SHAME!

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