Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Secret is not supposed to be materialistic

Carrie Nelson shared The Secret's photo — with Ron Alexander

The Secret
"See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don't fret and worry about them. Don't think about ...your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession."
-ROBERT COLLIER (1885-1950)

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Ron Alexander The problem is if people see this as a "material gain", I have seen a couple of "born again" con people use this philosophy to rip people off - mainly moi! 2 ex's - both sociopathic gold diggers who looked really good - on the outside!
Carrie Nelson But on the other hand though there are some groups, the KKK, THE NRA that I loathe for example whose coheivess is not to be overlooked. What would happen if the good were that strong. Haha I've got the tee shrit on the exes, family, and so called friends. I guess I think more toward applying this to the better world aspect. Am I saying this right. In order to prosper in spirit and in deed, as one, or collectivelly. We must be equally yoked. Lesson learned late for me smile emoticon.

Ron Alexander Have you heard of the Southern Poverty Law Center dear Carrie Nelson? They have successfully sued KKK and skinhead white power groups and turned over their assets to their victims.

Ra Divakar Yes, this is a spiritual "secret" not a materialistic one - for fruits of the Spirit - Joy, Peace and Love!
Ron Alexander Yes, this is paraphrased from well-known verses in the Bible and made into a materialistic quest by Robert Collier and "The Secret"! It has done more harm than good in this capitalistic society!

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