Thursday, October 22, 2015

REMARKABLE PERSON: She saw this country founded and lived to see the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the end of slavery. She saw George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as Presidents.

Ron Alexander: REMARKABLE PERSON: She saw this country founded and lived to see the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the end of slavery. She saw George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as Presidents. And look at her: as regal as any Queen who ever reigned.
Larry Rogak to Vintage African American Photography
Wow... just wow. Flora Stewart was 117 years old when this photo was taken in New Hampshire in 1867. That means she was born in 1750. She saw this country f...ounded and lived to see the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the end of slavery. She saw George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as Presidents. And look at her: as regal as any Queen who ever reigned.

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