Saturday, October 24, 2015

Reconciliation techniques to help Charleston Heal from the massacre

Dr. John knows what dehumanization is from calling the "enemy" "gooks" to using the "n word"!

Unity Charleston: Dr. john Fisher who will be doing a workshp on Nov. 1 at 2pm on My theme is Community Reconciliation which can be  interpreted with several meanings/angles. I am a Vietnam veteran who has traveled back to the land of my nightmares a dozen times for reconciliation and healing for both myself and for my country. 

Community Reconciliation
Dr John Fisher Nov 2nd 2pm Love Offering
 Dr. John Fisher’s workshop on Community Reconciliation can be  interpreted with several meanings/angles. He is a Vietnam veteran who has traveled back to the land of his nightmares a dozen times for reconciliation and healing for both himself and for his country. 
Dr. Fisher is the director of CORE (Community Reconciliation) Viet Nam and leads trips to Viet Nam. He is a National speaker representing natural holistic methodology for healing PTSD in America.
CORE Viet Nam gives American veterans and civilians opportunities to learn from a war-torn culture the ways of reconciliation, healing and peace. 

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